

60 min

Specialized packages to fit your personality and interests. Bring your school regalia and prepare to celebrate, dress in your sports uniform for action shots, or dress up in your finest outfit for a more regal feel. It's your session and your memories, this is a chance to make them special.

package includes 6 digitally edited images of your choice from digital portfolio. 

Booking Policy: Bookings close 1 day before the session starts.

Cancellation Policy: Sadly due to a number of no show sessions we have had to implement a deposit policy to help ensure our time and efforts are appreciated. A small deposit based in the overall cost of the session is required to reserve your time reservation. It will be applied to the total cost of the session and is transferable 1 time. It is non-refundable.

Get in Touch

Send us a message to connect with us! We'll be happy to help you book your session today!